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The RED Smartphone Provides A Holographic Screen, Allowing You To View Videos From Multiple Angles

The RED Smartphone Provides A ... is listed (or ranked) 2 on the list The Coolest New Tech In 2018
In 2017, the cinema camera making company RED announced it was working a smartphone with a "holographic screen." Consumers were unsure what this meant until September 2017. Essentially, the phone would provide a 3D viewing experience on screen, projecting things like buildings and landscapes in an interactive map. A user could essentially take a virtual tour via the phone screen, looking around, above, behind, or in-between various objects. 
The RED smart phone is currently available for pre-order, for the fairly hefty price tag of $1,195. No official release date has been announced, but the company says users can expect to see the product sometime in early 2018. 


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